Table of Contents
- How to insert your logo into a print page
- Problems with Beez templates
- Popup Windows and Cookie Messages
- Warning about Backup and Restore
- Search in Front End
- Ordering Issues and Projects
- Checked Out State
- Record Deletion
- Spam Checking
- Messages and Notifications
- Front End Editing and Issue Creation
- ACL permissions
- Creating a language translation for the component.
- Advice to ‘Pre-release’ Users
- Joomla 2.5 support
- Colour Priority
- List displays and sh404SEF component.
- New Progress Design Considerations
- Other Problems and Issues.
Joomla Magazine September 2011
Copy the file ''component.php'' from the folder Joomla-installation/templates/system to the root of the template folder of your template that you are using: (for example: joomla-installation/templates/rhuk_milkyway/component.php).
If you need to overwrite some component.php in your new placed template folder, don't do it, as it may include code that the template needs to use (I don't know, but it's safer if you don't do this action in this case).
Now open the component.php file in your template folder (you can use wordpad)
Search for the line that states: <body class="contentpane"> around lines 47 on beez_20 template.
Now, copy and place this code right under it: <img src="/" alt="Logo" /> To use a relative URL use it relative to the httd directory. i.e. src=”<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/your-template-folder/your-image-map/logo.png” where you use the appropriate folder and logo name for your site.
Just change the source of the image so it matches exactly the image that you want included, and that's it!