Chapter 6. Custom Fields

This feature is worthy of a separate chapter of its own mainly due to the number of possibilities it offers but also because it is a feature that is not necessarily going to be used by all installations. It is also very powerful and customisable to meet most requirements, making use of Javascript and AJAX to provide the functionality. There is more information provided in the 'Issue Tracker Cuistomisation Guide'.


A custom field belongs to a 'custom field group'.

A 'custom field group' can be assigned to one or more Issue Tracker Projects.

It is only possible to assign one Custom Field Group to any given project or sub project.


It is necessary to define the required 'custom field groups prior to defining 'custom fields'.

Custom Field Groups

Custom Field Groups are accessed in the Back screens via one of the main tabs. The display is as shown in the image below. The groups are shown with the associated project(s) to which they are assigned. If there is no project shown next to a specific group then the project group is not in use. Custom Field Groups need to be published before they are available for display in the front or back end issue screens.

Figure 6.1. Custom Field Groups

Custom Field Groups

A new Custom Field Group can be created by selecting the 'New' icon. A group can also be edited by selecting the desired group to edit and the following screen is displayed.

Figure 6.2. Custom Field Group - Edit

Custom Field Group - Edit

There are only a few specifications that can be made for a Custom Field Group, which are the group name, which will be used for display in the front and back end of the site, and the published state of the group.

The projects or sub-projects to which the group is associated are defied upon the Project edit screen.