# Fix undefined variable $isadmin in front end issue view.
# Fix undefined variable in front end issue model SQL statement identified_by. At same time refine query to handle registered user access of public or private issues.
# Fix line up of front end issue items seen in Joomla 3.3
~ Change redirection to calling page if the issue creation is canceled. Formally returned to the home page.
# Fix test that checks for a change in visibility from public to private and which changes the published state to unpublished to work correctly.
# Fix PHP error in dates helper file.
~ Add additional checks around the use of an editor in the front end form.
~ Update translation credits
+ Add option to display issue status in Latest Issues Module. Also make display of close date an option.
~ Make specification of single person mandatory in the front end menu item. Also add additional check in view itself.
# Fix popup issue view in Latest Issues Module.
+ New option to display issue type in front end list displays.
+ Extra checks for database log_bin setting turned on, SUPER privilege and log_bin_trust_function_creators setting.
~ Modify icon settings for delete icon for Joomla 3.x.
# Correct return address when an issue is deleted in the front end. It cannot return to the issue display since we have deleted it, so display home page.
~ Only display attachments tab in back end if attachments are enabled. Also checks if IMAP attachments are enabled.