Joomla 2.5/3.x combined versions


These releases run upon Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x from the same installation file.

Issue Tracker 1.6.8

~ Add check for REPORT tag in message template bodies, where it is not valid.

~ Change translator credits to link to a site article instead of being hard coded in the release.

! Remove Akeeba restore points since it is no longer supported by Akeeba in Joomla 3.4 and above.

# Correct language string used for autoclose status check. Missing underscore in string.

# Correct back end sort of in issue list on project field.

# Fix handling of phone key from profile in system plugin.

# Fix handling of email updates for issues.

+ Add debug logging parameter to display more specific debugging messages in log.

+ New XMAP plugin added for site map generation.

# Modify cron handling to handle alternative alias formats.

# Fix checking of custom fields access levels in FE edit form.

+ Add ability to specify the default progress record access, published state and privacy defaults.

# Fix problem with captcha not being checked on front end issue form submission.

# Modify BE issue list view so that 'private' issues can not be published in line with issue model.

# Modify issue list controller to filter out private issues for publish status so that change counts are correct.

# Allow for archive state value of 2 where it was formally -1. Both are now allowed for.

# Fix problem in FE when unpublished issue state being changed to published when the component default is published.

# Fix date display to allow for server offset in email messages and log display.

# Correct display of assignee name in FE form.

# Modify 'relaxed' scheduled email update detection of issue number in mail header.

# Change checks on 'assigned_to' field on issue save.