Event onUserBeforeStore

Executes before the user (or administrator) has saved their data. This checks the specified user's password to ensure it meets the site specified criteria.


The password reuse check in this event trigger is essentially the save as the former logic contained in the onUserAfterStore event with the exception that the control table is not updated, which remains in the onUserAfterStore event.

  1. If this action is taking place in the back end (administration) of the site return.

  2. If the password is not being changed return.

  3. Load the exemption parameters and check if the user is exempt. If so return.

  4. Load the other plugin parameters. If we have previously loaded the multiple password parameters we require into the session, load them from there, if not load the few parameters we require.

  5. Check if we are configured to test the password strength. If so, carry out the following checks if configured.

    1. Ensure password does not contain a space character.

    2. Check if the password it must contain at least one numeric character.

    3. Check if the password must contain an upper case character.

    4. Check if the password must contain at least one lowercase character.

    5. Check if the password must contain at lest one special character.

    6. Check we meet or exceed the minimum password length.

    7. Check the entropy of the password.

    8. Check the quantity of characters in the password.

    9. Check the password for identical consecutive characters.

  6. Check if a we are testing for the user's name and username in the password.

  7. Check if a we are testing for the user's email address in the password.

  8. Check whether the new password is the same as any of the previously saved passwords either by calling the database routine or by calling the equivalent PHP routine.

  9. Prepare the optional password strength text if configured.

  10. If we have detected and errors in our earlier checks prepare the error message and raise an exception.

  11. Return.

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