Chapter 7. Version Changes

The following is a list of the principle changes that have occurred during each release.

Release Versions

IP Mapping 1.4.1

+ New option for where web server is located behind a proxy server such as CloudFlare.

~ Numerous minor code cleanups resolving code warning messages seen in PHPStorm.

~ Change mapper module to use windows.load rather than document.ready function.

IP Mapping 1.4.0

~ Modify locations display to trim path and phrase columns similar to referrer column.

- Remove documentation page from back end.

~ Modify table characterset and collation to match Joomla 3.5 utf8mb4_unicode_ci.

- Remove meta table.

+ Add South Sudan (SS) to countries table.

IP Mapping 1.3.3

# Fix undefined PHP notices in Visitor Agent module.

+ Add a few additional scrappers and advertising bots to the robots table.

+ Update copyright year to 2016.

~ Get component version from manifest file rather than meta table.

# Fix error when changelog displayed multiple times from dashboard (cpanel) view.

IP Mapping 1.3.2

~ Add additional checks for updating multiple locations in back end.

# Correct use of back end filters in locations display.

~ Modify field used for country code if Geobytes determination used. Applies to front and back end.

~ Modify locations information received to ensure no stray quote characters.

- Support for Akeeba Restore Points removed as they are no longer supported by Akeeba.

IP Mapping 1.3.1

~ Add country code ZZ to list of ignored locations in mapper module.

# Correct problem preventing location displays if path variable contained an ampersand.

~ Modify back end location creation logdate handling.

~ Set default reason_id to 'Other' if not specified in back end manual location creation.

~ Modify mapper module to handle clustering over long time periods. New option for complete map refresh provided.

IP Mapping 1.3.0

! The minimum required Joomla! version is 3.3

~ Change back end list display ordering to match Joomla 3.3 standard method.

+ New options to control of referer, phrase, source and agent fields in back end locations table.

+ New option in Visitor Agent module to control use of HTML5 geolocation data capture.

# Correct logging of arrays in initial call.

# Correct back end locations filter on published state.

~ Update copyright year to 2015

# Correct typo in mapper module preventing control of referrer field display.

+ New option to control display of marker Info Window, creator information and table data title in mapper module.

# Remove use of Top function from Visitor Agent module.

~ Update credits to be an iframe with the contents fetched from the main site. Thus ensuring they are always up to date.

~ Change Geobytes API to use getcitydetails instead of former IPlocation method which is discontinued.

IP Mapping 1.2.3

+ Add logging DEBUG options to back end.

+ Add check for PHP setting allow_url_fopen and if not enabled use CURL interface instead.

# Correct update of multiple fields error in back end.

+ Add the ability to control the display of more of the table fields in the mapper display.

+ Add additional table to control robots (web crawlers).

IP Mapping 1.2.2

~ Extent recent change for truncating Akeeba log to web invoked cron task.

~ Add some DEBUG logging entries to the mapping module.

~ Modify location update so that any other unset locations for a specific IP are updated when one is manually updated.

+ Add some additional code to correct for Mapper module display problems with Tabs and Bootstrap front ends.

~ Update reference to use version 2.1.1 of the Google Cluster Marker javascript code.

# Fix delete of individual log items from log table.

# Fix problem of running Akeebasync and compact using IE browser.

# Fix list checkall toggle on list views for Joomla 3.x.

IP Mapping 1.2.1

# Fix overlapping of mapper table referrer field over the edges.

# Fix wrong name in front end route parser.

+ Add separate tab in CPanel for credits including translators.

~ Update all copyright year 2014

~ Modify sync process so only required number of days loaded.

~ Ensure admin creation fields populated on sync task.

IP Mapping 1.2.0

~ Code refactoring.

+ Add logging option. Note that this is currently only used for the recording of Cron messages.

+ New cron ability for automating synchronisation task.

# Remove any stray quote marks in city names returned by IP location determination.

IP Mapping 1.1.0

+ Add support for Joomla 2.5 and 3.x in one install.

~ Change use of JRequest to JInput instead.

~ Change deprecated function JRegister getValue to use get instead.

~ Remove redundant CSS from documentation view.

+ Make use of Google Closure Compiler optional.

~ Make the connection to Google Closure Compiler use CURL as default rather than FURLOpen.

IP Mapping 1.0.5

+ Only display Akeeba Sync Icon if Akeeba Admin Tools Pro is installed.

+ Change mapper module to accept parameter to only display the last 'n' days worth of data, where 'n' is a number greater than zero (0).

IP Mapping 1.0.4

+ Add integration with Akeeba system restore option.

+ Add ability to provide a tabular list of displayed locations below the map.

# Correct SQL error in Visitors module.

IP Mapping 1.0.3

+ Change to set private IP address details to Unknown.

+ Introduce compaction for location table.

# Fix location sort problem on country name and country code.

IP Mapping 1.0.2

+ Add additional update to locations to minimise IP provider services.

IP Mapping 1.0.1

+ Add style code to referer field to preserve table display appearance.

+ Add missing index.html file in main directory.

+ Update headers for 2013

IP Mapping 1.0.0

+ Initial Release

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