Macrotone Blogs

Macrotone blogs upon Joomla, our products and other matters.

MySQL logs and QNAP systems


All (most) company development and testing making use of MySQL databases locates the databases upon QNAP systems.  The default MySQL installing being by the QNAP installation itself.  Recently there has been some interest in the space being consumed.  Looking at the database settings in the /etc/my.cnf file it can be seen that it is not optimum.
The main areas of interest are the log files.  It is noted that the binlog format is set to STATEMENT which is why the messages about log format have been seen.  [It is not known how many systems are set to the default so it is sensible perhaps to leave the setting alone.  In this way we have a 'worse' case scenario for when we distribute software and have to include session settings to enable the software to install and/or function.]

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Joomla! Debug Console


Profile Information

Memory Usage

Database Queries