issues-48We are pleased to announce the availability of four new translations for our Issue Tracker release provided by our users.  It is unusual to have four new translations created in a single month so we thought it worthy of an announcement.  These translations are still being updated, so are not yet complete but we wanted to let you all know and thank them for their contributions.

The new translations are shown in the table below:

Language Code Name
Catalan (Spain) ca_ES Sergi B.
Núria Balcells
Chinese (Taiwan) zh_TW bbtw
Slovak (Slovakia) sk_SK Marek Buban
Swedish (Sweden) sv_SE Markus Morén

A full list of all available translations for the Issue Tracker component is available at this link.

The copyright of each translation belongs to the respective translator(s). All translations are contributed by volunteer translators. Macrotone Consulting has no control over the correctness of any translation except English (United Kingdom). If you would like to contribute a translation, there are several pages on our site providing more details.