Usage Notes

Inserting a module inside an article

[This is included as a convenience and is taken from the official Joomla docs.]

You will usually want to associate modules with articles in some way. The modules are allocated to module positions and the module positions appear somewhere on the Web page as determined by the template. However, it is sometimes useful to have a module actually embedded within the article.

To insert a module inside an article, use the command, as follows:

  • Create a module and set its position to any value that doesn't conflict with an existing template position. You can type in the position value instead of selecting it from the drop-down list. For example, use the position myposition.

  • Assign the module to the Menu Items that contain the articles that you want the module to show in. You can also just assign the module to all Menu Items.

  • Edit the articles where you want this module to appear and insert the text in the article at the place where you want the module.


This only works when the Content - Load Module plug-in is enabled. If this plug-in is disabled, the text shows unchanged in the article.


An alternative to "" is the "" variation which is handled by the same plugin.

In this case the plugin looks for the first module that who's type matches the string 'yyy'. So, you could load ' "mod_login" module by placing in your text.

See also ‘Modules Anywhere’ by Peter van Westen of NoNumber which can also be used to perform this task.

Modules within Modules

It is possible in Joomla! 2.5 and above to include a module within a "Custom HTML" module as they are processed by content plug-ins in the same way as articles.

You should remember when doing this that you may experience formatting issues as the "chrome" of the "Custom HTML" module will surround the "chrome" of the included module potential having undesirable effects of the formatting or layout.

Modules Anywhere

It is also worth mentioning that there is a third party utility known as ‘Modules Anywhere by Nonumber solutions (obtainable from the JED [Joomla Extensions Directory]) that is also very useful and makes adding modules to articles very simple. Highly recommended.